For more accurate energy cost and savings stats, tell us about your home energy supply:

  1. In the app, navigate to Smart > Energy > Your tariff
  2. If its your first time, press "set up" button. If you've previously selected a tariff, tap "Update Tariff"
  3. Select your home supplier
  4. Select your tariff
  5. See the "Success" pop up: we've now saved your information. 

If you are unsure of the details of your tariff or don't want to provide this information select "Other: flat rate" tariffs that we have listed. Choose one that is closest in p/kWh to what you pay for your home electricity.

If you are on a variable rate or EV time-of-use tariff that is not in the list, please email and provide the following details about your tariff to help us add it to the system:

  • Energy Supplier
  • Tariff Name
  • Standard Rate (p/kWh)
  • Off-peak rate (p/kWh)
  • Off-peak period (e.g. 00:30 - 04:30)

Note: We use this to provide an estimate on your energy usage, cost and savings. The real cost of charging your car is dependant on your supplier.