Indra Smart Pioneer Customer

Information for users with Indra chargers

Solar only with your Indra charger
The solar only mode allows you to charge using exclusively solar energy. To enable this, please ...
Why do I need a CT clamp on my charger?
The current clamp on your charger will provide the two following benefits: It's a safety f...
Does the Indra Smart Pioneer work with any car?
Yes! - The Smart Pioneer is fully compliant with all relevant standards and works with all EVs, ...
How to power cycle your Indra Smart Pioneer
1. Ensure that you have disconnected the vehicle from the charger 2. Turn off the RCD (circu...
What do the different colours on my charge point mean?
Your Indra Smart Pioneer has two different sets of lights on the front panel display.  The P...
What to do if there are no lights on my Smart Pioneer display?
If there are no lights on your Smart Pioneer: Does an EV connect to the Smart Pioneer when t...
My charger can’t be found
To ensure only you can control your charger, when your charger is installed, your installer regi...
What does the Boost button on the charger do?
The Indra Smart Pioneer has a Boost button on its front panel, this can be used to start or stop...