All waEV-charge EV1 chargers come pre-configured with the software, however if you manually need to update this, please follow below steps.

  1. Power on the charger and connect it to the laptop via the Ethernet cable.
  2. Open the waEV-charge Config tool and click “Connect”.
  3. Click on the OCPP tab.
  4. Enter the OCPP Server supplied by waEV-charge Tech Team and click “Submit”.
  5. Enter the Authorisation Key supplied by waEV-charge Tech Team and click “Submit”.
  6. Select amazon from the CAcertificate drop down and click “Submit”.
  7. Once you see 3 “set success” messages, click “Disconnect”.
  8. Power down the charger, disconnect the Ethernet cable and wait 10 seconds before powering up the charger again.
  9. The waEV-charge charger should now successfully connect to servers.

Once you’ve done this and if you haven’t already, download the app and tap on “Create an account” to follow the onboarding process. If you already have an account, please tap on “Log in”. The app will guide you through the process of adding your car, charger, home address and energy supplier. On the charger page, we will need to assign the charger to your account. Just reach out to by email or through the app, and provide us with the email address used to create the account, your charger serial number and home address. We will set this up, and let you know once it is connected so you can start using all the benefits of the app!

Video Tutorial:

Manually updating the OCPP info for the charger connection